Google Certification For Digital Marketing
Got certified by Google for Digital Marketing on 05-Nov-2019. Now as being a credible Digital Marketer I can lift the works from the global market.Hello friends, acquaintances, competitors, and wellwishers !!!
I would like to bring you to notice that I have been certified by Google for their world level accredited Digital Media Marketing Certification which was issued on 05-Nov-2019 @01:32am after attending an online examination that was held on 04-Nov-2019 midnight.
Google awarded me a Certification Id 7FN KYP E3W, can be validated on Google's server anytime.
To validate my certification on Google's server click to Verify a Certificate and on the upcoming page enter my certification id as mentioned above.
Inside story:
You certainly might have a couple of questions in your mind. Like:
How did I make accredited even in an absence of leisure time?
The answer is of course "SIMPLE", but the way to strike the simple is
full of "SWEAT" and keep continuing with strong "DEDICATION".
My primary goal was not to be got certified, whereas to be got high technically educated.
I merely have spare time, but the latest trends kicked me on this path.
The answer is of course "SIMPLE", but the way to strike the simple is
full of "SWEAT" and keep continuing with strong "DEDICATION".
What were the course materials?
How Google is so educative: The course materials and certification exam
both were provided and conducted by Google itself on at online basis.
- 26 modules had to be covered up in 40 hours during the online training program.
- Each module covers 3 to 7 lessons, i.e., on an average 5 lessons.
- In each lesson, there is a Video, Transcript, Q & A Set, Topic Assessment and really a couple of great informative external website links. These external website links have boosted my tech knowledge instantly and I'm still amazed how better Google is doing FREE OF COST.
How Google is so educative: The course materials and certification exam
both were provided and conducted by Google itself on at online basis.
How did I make crawling within the contents of course materials without having an experienced tutor?
- Trimmed monetization program but kept public interactions: I sliced off one-hour spare time by cutting down overseas projects to attend this courseware and also kept tunning up my existing local projects and awareness program.
- Deeply Dived: The lessons went interesting one by one because some of the topics whatever was being taught over here, I was already aware of that but over the time I noticed that the courseware silently started eating my time which was already reserved for predefined schedules.
- Found more dedicated time slot: Knowing that my precious reserved schedules were being hacked silently, I again started thinking of cutting down other time-consuming hobbies. And then decided to set my workout (Jim) aside until I reach the goal. Now I got an additional 2 hours more.
- Continued to become skewer: I covered up all 26 modules in 15 days with strong DEDICATION, REGULAR and PERIODIC training management.
Cracked Online Exam:
After covering up the courseware, Google asked,
"You covered up the courseware successfully,
I hope you will enjoy the courseware and right now you will be ready to be get boarded on online examination boggy",
may I proceed to start the exam engine right away?
I suddenly felt striking to a barrier, and I got confused because I was expecting that Google would provide the certificate as soon as I would cover up all modules. Actually, I was not expecting any kind of such online exam.
Reluctantly I responded Google, "Ok sir, please key it on." (By directing to clicking up the Next button)
Google reverted back, "Thank you, Anand. In this online exam, I would ask you 40 questions where each question is privileged with one mark. Each question has four multiple choices, you will have to choose the right one. And you will have to obtain 80% marks to pass the exam."
Google again added, "You may wonder to know that I can organize your online exam the other day. Would you like to!"
I stopped and found myself on a dilemma and started pulling my hair out for coming up to a decision, "What should I do?"
I stepped away from my laptop, went to the kitchen and started preparing a cup of tea. While preparation, I remembered that somewhere I read, "FRESH can get the GOD GRACE".
And finally, after coming out fighting with my self-contradiction, I decided to start cracking the exam right away.
All 40 questions came up to me, I attempted all and got 92% i.e., aggregated 36.8 out of 40 marks. The decimal aggregation marks depict that there would some negative cut off mark and still I was not expecting the negative marking system.
Sign Up to get the answer from my instant experience, it will definitely help gear you up.

Anand Kumar Singh
My Expertise
Software Development
Website Development
Digital Media Marketing
Search Engine Optimization - SEO
Social Media Optimization - SMO
Social Media Marketing - SMM
It's amazing how Anand Kumar Singh to survive through so many heartbreaks as well as career failures. I think one takeaway that I had from his life story is how he always managed to rebuild his life from scratch over and over again.
I was truly inspired by what Anand Kumar Singh has gone through and I'll always look to some of his posts for inspiration when I'm questioning what I am doing in this world. Even though he has experienced so much, he has reached a state of gratitude and has a sense of purpose. I know for sure, he will continue to inspire people and may he reach the happiness he deserves.
Anand Kumar Singh is a good soul committed to helping people like you. He presents life and work advice in a way that busy readers really appreciate and understand.
Anand Kumar Singh has an art of story-telling and his sense of humour is quite marvelous. All the best for future endeavors.
Anand Kumar Singh is awesome. He always cracks me up, he's super smart and fun to be around.
Anand Kumar Singh is the bravest person I know. My biggest fear is failing in life. Anand has done that multiple times, in addition to having the strength to admit to his failures. If I could have just a little bit of his courage, I'd have less regrets.
Anand's honesty, determination, and life is inspiring. I wish Anand Good luck in all that he chooses to do.
Anand Kumar Singh has failed so many times in life, in love, in business. His perspective of things is still positive. He has accepted his mistakes, he has learned from them, he talks about them like it's a movie. I wish I could do that too.
It's honestly very inspiring to hear Anand Kumar Singh's story and the humility that comes from it. It puts the important things in perspective for sure.